#TheGoodStuff: Spring Brings Changes

18 March 2025

Spring officially begins this week. We’ve already experienced daylight savings time, but now the calendar will make it official and hopefully the weather will too. I’m sure we are all ready for more sunshine and less wind. Our Community was incredibly blessed last week by our local first responders, firefighters and City staff that worked very hard to keep us safe.


The weather and mother nature will let us know that change is coming, but we will also see a lot of changes here in our town over the next few months. The City Council election is on Tuesday, April 1st and everyone will get a chance to vote on candidates in all wards, not just the one they live in. I think Chickasha has a good system where every year citizens get a chance to run for office as well as vote for whoever you think will best represent your views.


I realize that it can be pretty challenging for the average citizen to know who to vote for if you don’t know the candidates. The Chickasha Lions Club is again doing a meet the candidate reception. It will be held on Thursday, March 27th at Canadian Valley Technology Center. It will be from 5:30 to 7 that night. It’s free and open to the public and a great opportunity to learn more about the candidates.


Much like the season changing to Spring, Chickasha is also changing. It’s growing with new businesses and new homes. Our population is growing. We are witnessing change on a monthly basis. There will be several MAJOR announcements made in the next 90 days. These announcements will be about growth and change. However you feel about change and growth, you have an opportunity on April 1st to go Vote! Do some research and find the candidate that best represents your views for the future of Chickasha. Voting for what you believe in…well that’s definitely #TheGoodStuff!

by Cassie Poole 27 March 2025
Chick TOK Tips Uncovered: Unlocking the Power of AI for Your Business
26 March 2025
I saw a Facebook post last week from Mayor Zach Grayson discussing his experience at the Oklahoma Municipal League’s conference in Alva Oklahoma. Traveling to other rural towns in Oklahoma and seeing what they are doing is always fun. It’s good to get out of our bubble and realize how Chickasha compares to other towns, both strengths and weaknesses. From the Mayor’s post, it looks like he had time to do some reflecting on his drive home. If you want to read his entire post, it’s on the Facebook page “Chickasha Positively Speaking” which he created for everyone to share exactly that: Positivity! He is like most of us that choose to live here, he likes what he sees. He also recognizes what our Community needs to work on and that’s why he chose to run for Mayor, a position that requires a lot of time, with zero financial compensation. His rewards is helping lead our town and to unite us to work together for progress. In his post, Zach commented on feedback he has received from people that have lived here their whole life or at least several decades and how they like what they see. I have heard a lot of that too. I wonder if we took a poll of the citizens that live in Chickasha and asked them what they think about how our town is going, what would the results of the poll be? I guess we will find out next Tuesday, April 1 st when citizens will go to the polls and Vote for City Council. Being a City Council member pays no salary, just like the Mayor’s job, it’s strictly volunteer. For someone to run for Council they have to be willing to attend a minimum of two meetings a month on Monday nights. They have to represent the citizens of the Ward they live in and make decisions that shape our future. It’s a commitment, very different from those that like to sit back and criticize everything on social media. Next Tuesday I hope we have a huge voter turnout. I hope that citizens understand that no matter what Ward they live in that they get to vote on all three races. I hope they do some research and find the candidates that best represent their views for Chickasha and its future. Leadership matters! Whether good or bad, we get what we vote for in elections. I hope you will get out and vote and I hope you will remind all your friends to do the same. Great Leadership is the only way we will get to enjoy #TheGoodStuff! 
by Cassie Poole 24 March 2025
Spring has officially sprung, and with it comes the much-anticipated Easter Shop Local Campaign ! Following the success of our previous campaigns—Local Love and Rainbow Hunters—we’re back with another exciting opportunity for our local businesses and the Chickasha community to come together and celebrate all things local this spring. From April 16th-19th , we’re encouraging everyone to shop local and join the Easter fun by participating in a city-wide Easter egg hunt. Participating businesses will hide Easter eggs in their stores, each containing a special discount, freebie, or surprise prize for shoppers to discover. Whether you’re a seasoned local or a newcomer to Chickasha, this campaign is the perfect way to connect with the community, support small businesses, and snag some fantastic deals! How Does the Easter Shop Local Campaign Work? It’s easy to get involved and even easier for your customers to participate! Here’s a quick rundown of the campaign process: Sign Up : Local businesses sign up to participate by March 28th . Once you’re on board, we’ll deliver Easter eggs filled with special offers to your business between April 9th-15th —just in time for the hunt to begin! Hide Your Eggs : When you receive your eggs, you’ll need to hide them somewhere inside your store. Each participating business is asked to provide at least 5 prizes , whether they’re discounts, free items, or fun surprises. The Hunt Begins! : From April 16th-19th , shoppers will be on the lookout for those hidden eggs, hopping from store to store in search of deals. The thrill of discovery is all part of the fun! Claim Your Prize : Once a shopper finds one of your eggs, they’ll be able to redeem their prize between April 21st-30th . Whether it’s a small treat or a big discount, they’ll be excited to return and shop with you again! Golden Eggs : For a little extra excitement, there will be three Golden Eggs hidden around Chickasha. These special eggs contain grand prizes for lucky shoppers. Who doesn’t love a good surprise? Join Us for the Big Kickoff Event! To get everyone in the spirit and make sure the hunt starts with a bang, we’re kicking off the campaign with a big event at Walmart on April 11th . This will be during Walmart’s ribbon cutting and our Chamber Connects event, which is a perfect opportunity to network with fellow local businesses and celebrate the start of the Easter Shop Local Campaign together. Be sure to stop by, grab your eggs, and learn more about how this campaign can boost your sales and connect you with new customers. Why Participate? The Easter Shop Local Campaign isn’t just about hiding eggs and offering discounts—it’s a fantastic way to: Increase foot traffic to your store Boost sales and attract new customers Connect with the local community in a fun, engaging way Showcase your business in a city-wide campaign And let’s not forget, it’s a great way to bring some joy and excitement to the Easter season! We’ve already seen tremendous participation in our Local Love and Rainbow Hunters campaigns, and we know that this Easter campaign will be just as successful, if not more! The support from the Chickasha community has been incredible, and we can’t wait to see how many people will join in on this hunt! How to Sign Up Ready to be a part of the Easter Shop Local Campaign? Sign up by March 28th to secure your spot! Just email cassie@chickashachamber.com to let us know you’d like to participate. We’ll provide everything you need, including the Easter eggs, promotional materials, and all the details on how to make the most of the campaign. We can’t wait to see how this Easter Shop Local Campaign brings our community together and supports our wonderful local businesses. Let’s hop to it—don’t miss out on this fun and exciting opportunity!
13 March 2025
So what does it mean to you when you hear the phrase “Pro-Chickasha”? I think that’s a question we should all be asking ourselves, do you consider yourself to be Pro-Chickasha? Here’s what it means to me. I believe in the town I grew up in! I don’t believe it’s perfect, but I love the direction it’s going. I think it’s great for our Community to see new businesses coming to town, new homes being build, run down homes being fixed up, and all three of our schools working together to educate our youth. Pro-Chickasha to me means we all are working together: the Business community, the City, the Chamber, the EDC, our Educational partners, civic clubs and most importantly the citizens that love living here and want to see our town continue to thrive. The reason we have so much momentum right now is because the majority of our town is Pro-Chickasha! I don’t think anyone thinks our town is perfect, like every other town we have plenty to work on. It was very cool when the Mayor of Weatherford stopped by recently and he was asking questions about our Downtown and what we did to bring it back to life? Weatherford is a wonderful town that I visited last summer and they certainly have their town headed in the right direction. He was very kind mentioning the momentum we have right now. If you are reading this column, there is a good chance you are Pro-Chickasha. Thank you! That’s how amazing things happen: we believe in ourselves and are willing to invest in ourselves to make our Community better! I believe that that this will be an incredible year. When we are Pro-Chickasha, that’s when #TheGoodStuff happens!
by Cassie Poole 12 March 2025
What started as a fun way to encourage local shopping and exploration has turned into an overwhelmingly successful community event! Over the past few weeks, we've seen families, friends, and individuals take to the streets of Chickasha, eagerly searching for Paddy’s hidden rainbows at local businesses. With each rainbow found, participants have been scanning QR codes, racking up entries, and taking part in bonus challenges like buying something green or trying out St. Paddy’s Day specials or products in local businesses. The energy has been incredible, and the local businesses involved have loved seeing so many new and returning customers walk through their doors searching for rainbows. One of the most heartwarming sights has been seeing kids excitedly spot a rainbow and snap a photo, proving that this event is more than just a contest—it’s a way to bring smiles, engagement, and community spirit to Chickasha. We’ve had participants of all ages joining in, from little ones embarking on a fun adventure to longtime locals rediscovering businesses they hadn’t visited in a while. With just a few days left, the hunt is still on! More rainbow locations have been added, giving even more chances to enter before the deadline on March 17th at 10:00 AM. After that, we’ll go live on Facebook to draw a lucky winner for the Chickasha Pot of Gold, filled with local goodies and gift cards from some of our amazing businesses. And don’t forget—our Paddy’s Party Block Party is happening on March 15th starting at 11:00 AM! 🎉 It’s the perfect way to celebrate the season with fun, food, and community togetherness. Plus, we heard Paddy herself will be joining us again this year from 2:00 - 6:00 PM. Make sure to bring chairs for the concert at If you haven’t joined in yet, now’s the time! Grab your friends, follow the rainbows, and support Chickasha’s local businesses while you’re at it. Thank you to everyone who has participated so far—you’ve made this event truly magical!
6 March 2025
This past week, I had the honor to meet with two different candidates that a company is interviewing for an executive management position here in Chickasha. My job was not to interview them, that was someone else’s responsibility. My job was to “Sell” them on Chickasha and why it’s a great place to live, work and play. Both of the candidates were from out of state. Each came here at different times and stayed the night, but like most people they googled our town long before they arrived. They are just like most businesses that are considering Chickasha, they want to learn as much as they can online, before I get a chance to tell them all about #TheGoodStuff we have to offer. They did their research on housing, education and quality of life. They had a lot of great questions about ‘Why Chickasha” and I told them because we are in the Middle of Everywhere! Think about how close we are to so many amenities: Thunder basketball, incredible lakes, the Wichita Mountains, Dallas Cowboy Football or OU/OSU Football, Branson Missouri, incredible Casinos, and Broadway plays at the Civic Center. The list goes on and on. So many big time amenities within a reasonable drive, yet you can enjoy the hassle free life that our Community has to offer. There is a graphic about this on the Chickasha EDC Facebook page. Both candidates remarked that they could tell that our town was growing, they could see it but then they could also “feel” it. When I asked them what they meant by that, they mentioned that when they talked to hotel or restaurant staffs, that the message was the same. When they compared where they were living to what they saw in Chickasha, we stood out in one major thing: Growth! One of them commented that the town they were in was Anti-Growth! The local officials didn’t want new businesses or new housing additions, they wanted to stay small. Ouch… If I find out that either one of these candidates gets the job here, I may ask them to be a guest columnist for the #TheGoodStuff, that way you can hear it directly from them. We will always have challenges to overcome, every town does, but we will continue to see unprecedented growth in Chickasha as long as we stay focused on #TheGoodStuff right here in the Middle of Everywhere!
by Cassie Poole 20 February 2025
The Chickasha Community lost a Community Giant last week. Since his passing, there has been so many social media posts from all over Oklahoma sharing their condolences to his family. Steve LaForge did so much for so many, but it wasn’t just limited to our town. His presence was felt everywhere. God knew what he was doing when he made Steve. Steve stood out from the crowd with those Hawaiian shirts and always said to “dress where you want to be,” but he was so much more than just those colorful shirts. Steve was the Spirit of Chickasha! He supported so many causes to help local youth, I don’t know that I could come close to name them all. Stocking catfish in the pond at Shannon Springs Park always stood out to me, but his generosity showed up all over our Community. He was a very accomplished businessman, but he was devoted to make all of Chickasha successful! He is the reason we have much of the retail in the 4 th and Grand area when he was developing it. He served many years on the Chickasha Economic Development Council and the Chickasha Industrial Authority. He sponsored numerous events and was a proud and outspoken member of the Chamber of Commerce. Some of my favorite memories of Steve were over the last year as he would provide the weekly deep thoughts at Rotary. These were typically jokes about “little johnny” that maybe not everyone was able to hear, but caused everyone to laugh. Steve always insisted that Rotary speakers use the microphone, but often forgot to use it himself. There is no way I can do justice in this article to what Steve meant to Chickasha. There’s just too much. Steve commanded respect because of not just who he was, but what he did for others. He was comfortable speaking his mind and his vast experience in business provided him significant insight that when he spoke, people listened. He inspired others to not settle, but to push to make big things happen. Chickasha is going to miss Steve LaForge because the way he lived his life to help others was the definition of #TheGoodStuff!
12 February 2025
Have you been Downtown lately and seen all the Valentine hearts with sayings on them? They are on the light posts all down Chickasha avenue. With slogans like: “Loving local since 1892”, “Small Town Romance”, “Mad about Main Street”, and “Sweet Home Chickasha.” They are meant to be like the candy hearts you got in a box as a kid during Valentine’s. The comments on the Keep Chickasha Beautiful Facebook page have all been very positive from our citizens. After the Christmas decorations were taken down, Keep Chickasha Beautiful put up signs honoring Martin Luther King and now Valentine’s. They have plans to add decorations all throughout the year. This committee of volunteers will also be helping organize Spring Clean-ups and City Park beautification efforts. The spirit of collaboration is the definition of what a strong Community does. The Keep Chickasha Beautiful committee meets the first Wednesday of every month at the Chamber of Commerce. We are always looking for volunteers and feedback on what needs to be done around town. This group of volunteers believes that if you want your town to look better, then you should roll up your sleeves and do something about it. The common thread of all the success we see around town is collaboration. The more we work together, rather than pointing fingers or complaining on social media, the more we keep our momentum going forward. Getting church groups, students athletes, retired people and citizens with a servant heart together, makes for progress happening throughout our town. Would you like to help? Contact Cheryl Critchfield at the Chamber/EDC for more information. Get Downtown and check out all the Valentine hearts with clever sayings on them, wonder if you can find one that says: “Chickasha…home of #TheGoodStuff?
by Cassie Poole 4 February 2025
In today’s world, online reviews are one of the most powerful tools in your marketing toolbox. People trust reviews from other customers almost as much as a personal recommendation. Whether it’s on Google, Yelp, or Facebook, positive reviews can have a major impact on your business—boosting your reputation, increasing visibility, and even growing your sales. In fact, studies show that 80% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal referrals, and positive reviews can increase conversions by a whopping 270%. But it's not just about getting reviews—it’s about how you use them to your advantage. As part of our Local Love Campaign, we’re encouraging our community to review and support local businesses. Here’s how your business can get more reviews and turn them into something that truly works for you. Why Reviews Matter for Your Business Let’s start with the basics: why do reviews ever matter ? First off, visibility. Google, Yelp, and Facebook use reviews to rank businesses in local search results. The more positive reviews you have, the higher your chances of being discovered by new customers. Reviews aren’t just about making your business look good—they’re also a direct way to get noticed online. Then there’s trust. Reviews help build credibility. People are more likely to choose a business that has glowing reviews over one that doesn’t have any (or worse, a bunch of negative ones). Positive reviews act as a form of social proof, showing that your business delivers the quality and experience customers are looking for. And don’t forget the feedback. Reviews are an incredible resource for improving your business. They offer valuable insights into what your customers love (and maybe what needs a little work). This direct feedback can help you level up your products, services, and customer experience. How to Encourage More Reviews Now that we’ve established why reviews are so important, how can you actually get more of them? It’s easier than you might think! Start by asking for reviews. Don’t be afraid to ask your happy customers directly. After a great experience, ask them to leave a review on Google, Yelp, or Facebook. You can do this in person, in an email, or even with a little note on your receipt. The key is making it simple and straightforward. Make sure the process is easy. Include links to your review pages on your website, in your email signature, and across your social media. The fewer steps your customers have to take, the more likely they are to leave a review. One way to motivate customers is by offering a little something extra as a thank you for their reviews. While you can’t directly offer rewards for reviews, you can show your appreciation by thanking them in person, sharing their review on social media, or even holding a monthly drawing for a small prize. And don’t forget to respond to reviews—both positive and negative. Responding to reviews shows that you care about customer feedback. A simple “thank you” goes a long way. If you do get a negative review, use it as an opportunity to make things right and show that you’re dedicated to improving. Leverage the Local Love Campaign As part of our Local Love Campaign during February we’re pushing for everyone in the community to leave reviews and support local businesses. Here’s how you can get involved: Start by reviewing other local businesses. If you’re a business owner, make it a point to leave reviews for the other local businesses you love. It’s a simple way to show your support for the community, and it may just encourage others to do the same for you. Encourage your customers to share their reviews on social media and tag your business. This not only shows them you appreciate their feedback, but it also spreads the love and gives you more visibility. And don’t be shy about showcasing your reviews. Share the positive feedback you get on your website, in your emails, or on your social media pages. When customers see that others are praising your business, it makes them more likely to check you out (and leave their own review!). Read more about our Love Local Shop Chickasha Campaign on our website here. Turning Reviews into Actionable Insights It’s not just about getting reviews—it’s about using them to grow. Here’s how you can make the most of the feedback you receive: Use positive reviews as testimonials in your marketing materials. Share them on your website or in an email campaign to build trust with potential customers. People are more likely to do business with you when they see real feedback from others. And don’t forget to take action on any negative reviews you receive. No one likes getting bad feedback, but it’s actually an opportunity to show your commitment to improvement. Respond professionally, apologize if needed, and let customers know what steps you’re taking to resolve the issue. This transparency can often turn a negative review into a positive experience. Lastly, pay attention to recurring themes in your reviews. Do customers consistently mention how friendly your staff is, or how much they love your product? These are things you can highlight in your marketing to attract more customers. Similarly, if you spot a common issue in reviews, use it as a learning opportunity to make necessary improvements. Get Involved in the Community As we continue to push the Local Love Campaign, remember that supporting local goes both ways. Take time to leave a review for another local business, attend community events, and engage with your fellow business owners. The more we support one another, the stronger our community becomes—and the more successful we all can be. Sources: marquiz.io | 69 Online Review Statistics To Know: The Complete List (2024) capitaloneshopping.com | Online Reviews Statistics
31 January 2025
Last week I had the opportunity to tour representatives from Shawnee’s Economic Development. They wanted to visit to see what all was going on here and understand more what we are doing and why we are doing it. I always enjoy talking with people from peer cities to see how we are similar, but also how we are different. According the 2020 census, Shawnee has a population of over 31,000 people. That is almost twice our size. In terms of traffic, Shawnee has over 3 million more cars pass along I-40 per year than we have pass by on I-44. That’s a lot of traffic. Their annual sales tax is also almost twice what we collect. When I meet with other cities, my goal is to always try and learn about what they are doing better than us and if we can replicate that here in Chickasha. I will be going to Shawnee to visit them soon and I am excited to understand more about how they are recruiting more people to live there and more new businesses to open. We discussed issues that face both our Communities like Industrial development, new housing editions, recruiting new retail business, homelessness, redeveloping our Downtowns and retention of City Managers. In some areas, they were doing better and some areas we are doing better. It’s not a competition, but instead an opportunity to find proven ways to make our towns better. Having a vision for your town and building a consensus with multiple groups on how to turn that vision into a reality seems to be a major challenge everywhere. This is what stood out to my friends from Shawnee. They really liked how our Chamber and Economic Development work closely together. When you add in all our schools, City hall and the business community, then we truly become a strong Community and that is why I use the capital “C” when I refer to our Community! Our momentum is strong and it’s very noticeable, even by a town almost twice our size. Every town has its challenges and Chickasha Oklahoma is no different, but as long as we all work together and try to learn from peer cities around us, then the sky is the limit. Anything is possible! As we wind down the month of January, I am really excited about what will be happening here the rest of this calendar year. Some BIG announcements are coming that will help us grow! I can’t wait to go visit some other towns and share with them all #TheGoodStuff that is happening in our town!
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